Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fayetteville fun

Last Monday I woke up thinking I would clean my place, do my taxes and do an attainment workout on the Potomac at a ho hum level. Boy was I wrong!

By chance I looked at Waterwatch and saw that rivers were rising in Southern WV. A call to Bryan Kirk confirmed this so i dropped everything, threw my gear in the van and began driving South. 5 and a half hours and 2 Red Bulls later I met Bryan Kirk and Kelsey Thompson at the Lower Meadow put in. It was almost dusk, the level was perfect and we fired it up. As soon as we dropped into that beautiful gorge and started bombing through must make moves, all thoughts of the DC area and petty responsibilities were replaced with gratitude and moment to moment awareness.

Tuesday was even better! Mann's Creek at a perfect level with an amazing crew and 70 degrees! Check out Bryan's trip report and spectacular photos:

Wednesday brought fantastic levels on the New river Dries, one of the world's best playboating runs. A few hours of big water play on the New left us all tired , happy and grateful for the paddling life.

Check in again soon for video from this mission!



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